Personal Computer Services |
Is your PC in need of repair? Not booting up or just getting very, very sllllooowwww? No matter what the issue is you can count on us to provide you with the proper solution, which usually entails more than a simple "tune-up" as many other service providers call it.
Nothing is more frustrating than something not working when you need it most. Doesn't it seem like your computer always needs repair at the worst times?
No matter how much care and affection you lavish on your PC, things can and do go wrong. Fixing it yourself takes considerable skill and knowledge, and the sheer inconvenience of disconnecting everything so that you can either haul your box to the nearest store (or worse mail it back to the company you bought it from) makes a bad situation worse. Our technicians are industry certified and have a fast turn around time. Let us offer you our assistance.
PC Computer Repair & Support Services
- PC Repair / Troubleshooting
- Hard Drive Recovery
- PC Setup / Installation
- Virus Removal
- PC Training / Tutoring
- Wired / Wireless Networking
- Hardware Upgrades / Installation
- Software Upgrades / Installation
- Operating System Updates
- Anti-Virus Installation / Removal
- Motherboard Replacement
- Memory Upgrades
Click Here for Labor Rate Information
If you have questions or would like to speak with one of our technicians, call
Seneca Computer Center at 419-455-9556 or send an email to: |